Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Teaching may be in my future...

I told myself recently that if Obama doesn't get reelected I'll be trying to get a job in Korea as an English Instructor. I have so little going for me here right now that it'll be an easy transition. When I came back, things started out well enough, but then everything just disintigrated over the next couple of years. That's why I find myself in Lyle, WA. None of my friends really took me seriously when things turned into a train wreck, and since I didn't "take the easy way out" I've become a bit of an "out of sight" friend to everyone. Anyway, someone my figure this out eventually. I really only have a couple goals at this point. One; get back to Burning Man once more. Two; finish up a full skill set with photography. Other than that, I've really got nothing left to prove. Perchance to dream. FU2012
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Thursday, May 05, 2011

White Wolf Massive Multiplayer On-line Role Playing Game - World of Darkness Online

So, while I'm bored with MMORPGs, I'm still interested in their design etc.
So, wandering around the net, I found a post on the White Wolf Publishing Website that talked about the eventual completion of an on-line version of Vampire: the Masquerade/Requiem (old and new versions).
So, I signed up (as Red Cap) and began posting.
So, It's an interesting conversation, and if your into Forums, then please join me.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Multiple Limbs!

When my friends and I used to play Gamma World (Is this an inapropriate time in the world to bring up nukular mutations?) (OK. My heart goes out to the people of Japan.  Japan holds a special place in my heart, and any reference to mutants or radiation is not intended to suggest a disregard on my part for the terrible situation in Japan.)

Let's try this again.

When my friends and I used to play Gamma World one of the best parts was making characters.  It was a random generation system at the time, so you always had to be willing to get junk.  (I think that was one of the main reasons that gaming wasn't as popular as it would have been.  Getting to BUILD your character has always been better for the game.)  But one of the coolest abilities was Multiple Limbs.  Now, from what I know of MMORPGs, they don't like to have too many body styles.  Yet, on Second Life, people have developed work arounds to be animals, dragons and such.  So, there isn't a lot that would stop a MMO from developing a system of Multiple Limbs.  We just have to convince someone to take of the banner of Gamma World again, and Dev it into the MMO universe.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Crazy Idea

Again I attempt to start blogging. Each time I've done this I've hoped that other people would follow my stuff and responded.

This time I'm going to blog for me. I have to try to write down some of the things that I have stuffed in my head. Like the idea that my father and I came up with recently on nuclear power. We decided that nuclear power should float. That way if there's another issue like in Japan, they can just drag the thing out to sea, swamp it (let it almost sink, we used to swamp row-boats at the lake), then let the sea-water do its thing. We thought about the problems and such, and it's a sound idea. It sounds like we'd ruin the sea that way, but with some simple safeguards, the pressure of the Marianas Trench would eliminate any issues of contamination once it got past 5000 feet down.

Sooo... that's one crazy idea recorded.

More later.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Portfolio - Japan

For those who are looking for a portfolio that represents my work.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Weyerhauser Bonsai

Burning Invasion x4

Burning Man 2009 here I come...

Yay, I get to be a burner again this year... I know it's kind of a crazy thing to do, but it's so fun. It's like visiting a foreign country or maybe a foreign planet. Anyway, it's a chance to meet some fun people, and get in on the alien invasion. This is a shot from the 2006 invasion. Pretty fun, huh?

Friday, May 15, 2009

New Specs

YAY! I can see the far trees again. It's literally been 10 years since I last got a new set of frames, and 7 since I updated my perscription. The opthamologist was quite surprised at my perscription change. So was I. Also, I'm quite surprised at my frame change. I'm still getting used to the new frames... not what I expected to choose. But _I_ like them, so whatever... ;D

here's a shot from my lamo pc-cam. I probably could have remembered to shave beforehand.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Many machines on ix...

Well, seems people want me to get back into this stuff... Last time I ran a blog, I was in Japan. Which meant there was no end to the new cool stuff I was doing. This time I'm home. I've got a job, and it's not beautiful weather (ever). So, the updates here may not be as much about now, as about then.

We'll see...